Wake-up call on European Day Against Islamophobia: our European democracies and fundamental rights are at risk
Public discourses across Europe hammering that Muslims are a problem are currently justifying the adoption of policies, legislation and practices that are putting our core democrat
– 27th Board meeting – 21 September 2018
The meeting will take place in ENAR’s office in Brussels.
ENAR Network achievements – May-August 2018
Coalitions for National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR). ENAR trained a coalition of more than 47 organisations in Belgium to ask for a NAPAR. The coalition received a good nati
The European Network Against Racism, 1998 -2018, a short history
Booklet prepared on the occasion of ENAR’s 17th General Assembly in June 2018, marking the 20th anniversary of the network.
State of Racism in the Union 2018 – A year of racism and resistance in the EU
The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) recaps on a year of racism and resistance in the European Union, otherwise unaddressed in the official State of the Union address.
Help is no crime: stand with volunteers against the criminalisation of solidarity
Humanitarian volunteers Sarah Mardini and Seán Binder were arrested recently on Lesvos, in Greece, for helping refugees and migrants. The two volunteers are accused of smuggling a
Back-to-work: what’s coming up for race equality in Europe?
As Brussels and the EU “bubble” goes back to business as usual after the summer recess, we reflect on what’s at stake for the “rentrée” and give an insight into