Help is no crime: stand with volunteers against the criminalisation of solidarity
Humanitarian volunteers Sarah Mardini and Seán Binder were arrested recently on Lesvos, in Greece, for helping refugees and migrants. The two volunteers are accused of smuggling and are currently in pre-trial detention.
ENAR has joined European civil society organisations to call on Greek authorities to release Sarah and Sean while their trial is pending.
Their case is the most recent example of a worrying trend towards the criminalisation of solidarity across Europe. Sarah and Sean need our support to put pressure on Greek authorities and ask for their release.
As part of the #WelcomingEurope European Citizens’ Initiative, hundreds of civil society organisations and thousands of European citizens are fighting back against these restrictive policies that have created a hostile environment for people who help refugees and migrants.
Through this official EU tool, 1 million signatures from European citizens have the power to get the European Commission to comply with our demand: end the criminalisation of solidarity acts across Europe.
Join the call to #FreeSarahAndSean
Tell EU leaders that helping people in need is no crime by signing the petition: www.weareawelcomingeurope.eu