Programme and practical information
Check out an outline of the programme for ENAR’s General Assembly, and practical details. The ENAR Board and staff are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Brussels
Two ENAR fact sheets on equality data collection
As the European Commission recently published its new European handbook on equality data, ENAR puts forward two fact sheets on equality data collection.
External resources
– MIPEX – Migrant Integration Policy Index – European NGO Platform on Asylum and Migration – European Website on Integration – Immigrant Citizens’ Surve
External resources
– Open Society Justice Initiative, Ethnic profiling in Europe – Open Society Foundations, Reducing Ethnic Profiling in the European Union: A Handbook of Good Practices
Quick Facts
-* Black people are stopped by police at 6 times the rate of White people in the United Kingdom and Asians at almost twice the rate of Whites In Granada, Spain, Roma are 12 times m
Frequently asked questions
-* What is equality data collection? What can be done to improve equality data collection? What is the EU doing about it? …
Tour of EU institutions
Interaction with EU Institutions has been a key moment of our anti-racist conventions of the last couple of years. With the view to make these interactions as meaningful as possibl
On 23 June, we will have a day of parallel workshops on a variety of topics. The workshops will be led by members and external stakeholders depending on the topics.
Strategic Objectives 2018-20
As every 3 years, ENAR’s 2017 General Assembly will also be a Strategic Convention during which members will adopt ENAR’s Strategic Objectives for the period 2018-2020.
New European handbook on equality data
The new European handbook on equality data promotes equality and contributes to fight against discrimination in the EU by analysing why and what kind of data should be collected in