On 23 June, we will have a day of parallel workshops on a variety of topics. The workshops will be led by members and external stakeholders depending on the topics.
Morning workshops
1) Ensuring online protection: Jan Weisensee – Privacy Training Center
This workshop aims at introducing and giving some tools on how to enhance members’ online protection in the context of their engagement against racism and increasingly connected world. More particularly, this workshop will look at issues such as protecting web infrastructure and identity in the face of the far-right/racist web activism.
2) Protecting our communities and our activists: Boris Balanetkii – ILGA- Europe
Ensuring the safety of staff and volunteers working in anti-racist organisations in a potentially violent political landscape is not “Mission impossible”. It requires planning, analysis and a good deal of common sense. Drawing on the negative experiences of LGBTQI-rights NGOs in Eastern Europe and Russia, ILGA-Europe has developed an in-depth understanding of the measures to adopt to improve the security and safety of activists. Their expert will share with us the key elements to take into consideration to set up your plans.
3) Managing Twitter: Stephen Turner – Twitter Inc.
This workshop aims to build the capacity of workshop participants on protecting minority communities and activists from hate speech on Twitter. It will offer participants guidance on how to report hate speech on Twitter; explain the process by which Twitter seeks to classify something as up for removal; and engage participants in a discussion on how Twitter and civil society organisations can cooperate to address hate speech online, and cooperate with law enforcement for prosecution.
Afternoon workshops
4) Advocating for National action plans against racism (NAPAR) – Sarah Isal (UKREN)
This workshop aims at presenting ENAR research and members’ experiences on designing NAPAR, highlighting success factors and checklists to support members in their advocacy. One of ENAR’s strategic objectives is to advocate for the recognition and countering of specific forms of racism through EU-wide standards such as National Action plans Against Racism that take into account intersectionality and multiple forms of discrimination.
5) Challenging toxic media narratives – Claudia Mara (Africa e Mediterraneo) and Enrique Tessieri (Migrant Tales)
This workshop aims to explore how to protect our communities from toxic media narratives. It will examine current challenges linked to xenophobic and biased media discourses, including the phenomenon of ‘fake’ news and alternative facts, and engage participants in a discussion on how to challenge and respond to these narratives with the limited resources NGOs have at their disposal.
6) Monitoring Counter Terrorism measures – Patrick Charlier (UNIA), Berber Biala-Hettinga (Amnesty International – EU Office) and Kahina Rabahi (CCIF)
At our last National Project Coordinators’ meeting which took place in October last year, our members were very inspired by different stakeholders’ take on the current EU counter-terrorism directive and the way forward. This time we would like to reproduce the same intervention in a workshop format. Speakers will explore how the counter-terrorism agenda can affect all our communities of concern and explore its risks and potential future recommendations for civil society actors working on the ground.
7) Mainstreaming Antigyspyism in EU and national public policies – Jonathan Mack (German Council for Sinti and Roma)
This workshop aims at discussing opportunities, strategies and tools to better understand, recognise and address Antigypsyism at institutional level and within Roma and anti-racist movements. At a time when Antigypsyism is still a harsh reality in Europe and EU legislation and national strategies for Roma inclusion have shown their limits in addressing these challenges, advocacy to mainstream Antigypsyism in the EU needs to be reinforced.