Two ENAR fact sheets on equality data collection
As the European Commission recently published its new European handbook on equality data, ENAR puts forward two fact sheets on equality data collection.
The factsheet “Equality data collection: facts and principles” dispels some of the misconceptions on equality data collection and presents good practices of equality data collection, including in relation to the use of racial and ethnic categories, in some EU Member States. It also provides recommendations for effective and human rights compliant equality data collection.
The factsheet “Combating inequality and discrimination in employment – Data collection as a necessary step to plan action” highlights discrimination faced by ethnic and religious miniorities in employment, based on the existing insufficient data, and highlights data gaps and needs in this field. It also gives recommendations on how employers and the business sector can collect equality data in order to identify and measure patterns of exclusion and discrimination in employment, and monitor progress (or lack thereof) achieved by different groups at various stages of their career progression.