Strategic Objectives 2018-20
As every 3 years, ENAR’s 2017 General Assembly will also be a Strategic Convention during which members will adopt ENAR’s Strategic Objectives for the period 2018-2020.
– Strategic objectives and key outcomes – final document to be adopted following consultation
– Note on ENAR members’ consultation process
Consultation process
Here are the main steps of the consultation process:
– 1st round of consultation: 3 February – 17 March
– 2nd round of consultation: 7 April – 7 May
– The final wording and proposed amendments to the 2nd round of consultation will be circulated on 12 May, 6 weeks prior to the GA so that you have one last opportunity to consult and exchange at national level so that the formal voting session at the GA will only focus on the Strategic Objectives, the key outcomes and possible amendments to these.
You can provide us with your feedback, proposals, comments and suggestions on ENAR’s strategic objectives by:
1. Using “track changes” and “comments” in the document to insert your suggestions, and send it to or
2. Completing the consultation document on Google Drive (following the basic instructions provided) and engage with the comments and suggestions of other members.
3. Participating in “one stop shops” through video conferencing with the team members involved in the implementation of the Strategic Objectives. If you wish to contribute, register with latest by 3PM the day before the schedule session. You will provide her with your landline phone number and email address. You are free to participate in one or more of these consultation rounds.
The schedule is as follows:
– Monday 6/03; 11:00-12:00: Strategic Objective 1
– Wednesday 8/03; 11:00-12:00: Strategic Objective 2
– Tuesday 14/03; 11:00-12:00: Strategic Objective 3
– Wednesday 15/03; 11-00-12:00: Strategic Objective 4
Please contact or if you have any questions.