Instrumentalising women’s rights in racist discourses: we need an intersectional approach
When pursuing a women’s rights agenda, policy makers should ensure that an intersectional approach is used in order to avoid reproducing stigmatisation and discrimination of grou
The case of Shamima Begum: British identity and terrorist activity in the spotlight
Taking the recent case of Shamima Begum, a British national who travelled from the UK to Syria to join Daesh in 2015, who now wishes to return to the UK with her child, we see how
The case of Shamima Begum: British identity and terrorist activity in the spotlight
Taking the recent case of Shamima Begum, a British national who travelled from the UK to Syria to join Daesh in 2015, who now wishes to return to the UK with her child, we see how
Documenting the discriminatory impact of counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation in the European Union
ENAR’s new toolkit provides tools and methodologies for civil society organisations and activists to document the discriminatory impact of counter-terrorism and counter-radic
Back-to-work: what’s coming up for race equality in Europe?
As Brussels and the EU “bubble” goes back to business as usual after the summer recess, we reflect on what’s at stake for the “rentrée” and give an insight into
Effectiveness of counter-radicalisation policies: preliminary research findings and recommendations
ENAR is a partner of the “DARE – Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality” research project that investigates how young people aged between 12 and 30 respond to message
Promoting fair and efficient policing for Roma and Travellers in the EU
On the occasion of EU Roma Week, ENAR is publishing a briefing on “Promoting fair and efficient policing for Roma and Travellers in the EU – One step forward to end Ant
EU counter-terrorism law opens door to discrimination and human rights abuses
The EU Directive on combating terrorism which was adopted by the European Parliament today runs the risk of undermining fundamental rights and having a disproportionate and discrim
Violence and discriminatory treatment by police in France is a wake-up call for action
A serious incident of police violence and alleged rape against a young Black man in Paris, France, highlights the urgent need to address police violence and discriminatory treatmen
EU must address widespread ethnic profiling by police
ENAR, Open Society Justice Initiative and the European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup are calling on the European Union to address the urgent challenge of ethnic p