Anti-Racism Map: Mapping National Anti-Racism Plans Across the EU
The interactive ENAR Anti-Racism Map aims to answer one question: Are the promises etched in the EU Anti-racism Action Plan becoming a tangible reality across the Member States? EU
Super Project Conference: The State of the Italian Anti-Racism Action Plan
May 2023 – At the concluding Conference of the Super project (Supporting Everyday Fight Against Racism), ENAR welcomed the progress made on local and national Italian Anti-Ra
Anti-Racism and Diversity Week 2023
In light of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21st March), the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), co-hosted the second ever EU Anti-Racism an
ANTI-RACISM AND DIVERSITY WEEK 2023: Call to join online preparatory policy meetings
Racism is a social injustice that many racialised individuals and communities continue to suffer from on a daily basis. For this reason, the International Day of Elimination of Rac
We are seeking organisations, activists, experts in designing and holding spaces for participants to build solidarity mechanisms and power a
In light of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 of March), the European Network Against Racism and Members of the European Parliament, alongside
EVENT: ENAR attends First Session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent
A small delegation from the ENAR Board is currently in Geneva attending the First Session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent. It follows the General Assembly resol
ENAR, Equinox, and ERGO statement on the adoption of the European Parliament report on Racial Justice, Non-discrimination and Anti-Racism
Brussels, Belgium – 10 November 2022 We welcome the European Parliament’s adoption of the Report on Racial Justice, Non-discrimination and Anti-Racism which passed with overwhe
Oyidiya Oji speaks about Josep Borrell’s Garden/Jungle remarks on TRT World
In October, EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell told a gathering of envoys in Belgium that “Europe is a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle, and the jungle could