Equality betrayed: Commission unilaterally gives up on anti-discrimination law
European Civil society condemns European Commission’s announcement to withdraw the proposed Directive on anti-discrimination as a betrayal of fundamental rights at a critical mom
New Commission, Same Story: Europe’s Security Obsession Overshadows Rights
Brussels, 23 September 2024 – The European Union’s latest policy direction, as revealed in the list of Commissioners-Designate and their mission letters, signals a stark commit
JOINT STATEMENT: Re-establish the Anti-racism and Diversity Intergroup of the European Parliament
11 September 2024 – As we enter the new mandate, 40 human rights and civil society organisations call on the newly-elected MEPs and their political groups to support the re-estab
The racist violence across the UK is not an anomaly – and UK politicians need to stop pretending otherwise
Brussels, Belgium, 7 August 2024 – The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) vehemently condemns the reprehensible attacks targeting racialised communities, in particular Muslim
Strategic workshop: Gathering against harmful Digital policing, planning for safety
On 7 and 8 May 2024, Weaving Liberation and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) joined forces to organise a strategic workshop on digital policing. More than 20 community or
ENAR staff member racially profiled and detained at Zagreb Airport
Europe’s racist border policies a growing danger to racialised people: “One policeman told me that Croatia is a homogenous white society, that I am black and that gives them th
In light of the nearing European Parliament elections in which migration features high on electoral agendas, and at a time when the new EU Pact on Migration is put in place, the Eu
Obligations of state parties on addressing and eradicating xenophobia and its impact on the rights of migrants, their families, and other non-citizens affected by racial discrimination
10 April 2024 – The European Network Against Racism welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the concept paper for the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (
Joint statement: Building an inclusive European Union of Equality
Brussels, Belgium – 25 March 2024 ENAR joins forces with major equality and anti-discrimination organisations to call on the European Union’s leaders and European Instituti
ENAR MEMBERS: Attacks against racialised people on the rise
In the looming shadows of the upcoming European Union elections, a disconcerting surge in racist violence has cast a dark pall over communities across Europe. As documented by ENAR