Unveiling anti-Roma sentiments in Spain. What’s next after Covid-19?
The European Union is founded on the principles of human dignity and equal treatment irrespective of racial or ethnic origin. Upholding this commitment, the European Commissioner f
In France, vulnerable foreigners are excluded from Covid-19 measures
Following the spread of the Covid19 virus in France, the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron communicated on 16 March 2020 the containment measures recommended by the
How western governments are being held hostage over the ‘migration crisis’ myth
Far-right parties and groups are destabilising western governments and holding them hostage to their anti-migrant demands. These demands have little to do with the reality of peopl
State of Racism in the Union 2018 – A year of racism and resistance in the EU
The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) recaps on a year of racism and resistance in the European Union, otherwise unaddressed in the official State of the Union address.