Recent trends in Antisemitism in Europe
This ENAR briefing highlights recent developments and trends in Antisemitism across Europe, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January.
Joint statement: International Holocaust Remembrance Day: EU must tackle contemporary Antisemitism and Antigypsyism
Brussels, 27 January 2017 – Today on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, anti-racism organisations across Europe urge European governments to make Antisemitism, Antigypsyism
18th Board Meeting – 28 January 2017
This meeting will take place in Brussels, in ENAR’s office.
Internship in ENAR’s Communication & Press Department
We are looking for a communication and press intern, to start as from April 2017. Deadline for applications: 15 February.
Islamophobia in Europe: Recent Trends
This ENAR briefing highlights recent developments and trends in Islamophobia across Europe, on the occasion of the UN High Level Forum on combatting anti-Muslim discrimination and
ENAR’s Achievements December
Check out ENAR’s and ENAR members’ main achievements and impact in December 2016.
Open letter to the European Parliament on Oettinger hearing
ENAR and a coalition of civil society organisations wrote a joint letter to Members of the European Parliament on President Juncker’s proposal to put Commissioner Günther Oettin