Obligations of state parties on addressing and eradicating xenophobia and its impact on the rights of migrants, their families, and other non-citizens affected by racial discrimination

10 April 2024 – The European Network Against Racism welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the concept paper for the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CEW) on the Obligations of States Parties to Comprehensive Public Policies to Combat and Eradicate Xenophobia and its Impact on the Rights of Migrants and Other Non-Citizens Affected by Racial Discrimination.

Our submission focuses on the need to centre racism, decoloniality and intersectionality at the centre of migration policies in Europe, as well as globally. It provides a nuanced understanding of xenophobia, drawing attention to the need for a systemic analysis of race when it comes to mobility and mobile bodies.


For more information, reach out to communications@enar-eu.org.


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