Latest members’ activities
- 14 November 2014 – If you see or experience racism: report it! New service launched by The People for Change Foundation in Malta
A new, web-based system giving victims and witnesses of racism an easy and effective means of reporting their experiences has been launched by The People for Change Foundation. The service is intended to increase reporting of such incidents, to inform individuals about remedies available, and to support them through the process. It will also gather data to help better understand the reality of racism in Malta, and to provide an evidence base that will inform legal and policy development in the area.
- 3 October 2014 – The Change for People Foundation works on integration of vulnerable migrants in Malta After almost a year of activity with the project ASSESS, Integration of Vulnerable Migrant Groups, the Change for People Foundation took stock of the situation. Civil society experts from around Europe met in Malta to discuss the assessment and monitoring of migrant integration. The meeting is part of the ASSESS project, which focuses on three vulnerable migrant groups – women, children and trafficked persons. The project is implemented in Malta by the human rights think tank, the People for Change Foundation.
- 23 September 2014 – Joint statement by NGOs in Malta: A more comprehensive & humane way of preventing & handling tragedies at sea is desperately needed NGOs in Malta, including ENAR members, issued this statement following the loss of lives off the coast of Malta in recent weeks. They are concerned that European Union and Member State policies of containment and the over-securitization of external borders seem to have contributed to the proliferation of the unscrupulous smuggling networks that exploit the right to seek asylum and the desperate need to remain alive.
- 2 May 2014 – The People for Change Foundation for the next European Elections: Pledge for Dignity and Against Racism
In March 2014, The People for Change Foundation encouraged candidates in the upcoming European Parliament election to endorse a pledge against racism, and to ensure that political discourse and actions during the campaign do not promote, instigate or condone racism and xenophobia.
- 21 March 2014 – People for Change Foundation’s pledge against racism
What People for Change is doing, partly for the international day against racism and partly for the EP elections, is encouraging candidates in the election to sign a pledge for dignity and against racism, aimed at passing the message that the way migration and ethnic minority issues are addressed by politicians leaves a major impact on how these communities experience integration and equality.
- 17 February 2014 – People for Change Foundation launches two integration projects
People for Change Foundation, in collaboration with partners from across the European Union, has launched two projects on integration of migrants in Malta. The projects are ‘ASSESS’, led by the Bulgaria-based Centre for the Study of Democracy and ‘Migrant Integration: Who Benefits?’ led by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Migration Policy Group. The project ASSESS: The Integration of Vulnerable Migrant Groups, aims to monitor and assess the effectiveness of integration measures for vulnerable migrant groups, particularly women, children and trafficked persons.
- January 2014 – The People for Change Foundation launched Malta Human Rights Report 2013
The Malta Human Rights Report 2013, launched by The People For Change on 5th March, provides an overview of the major developments relating to human rights in Malta over the past year. The year 2013 was marked by the threatened push back of sub-Saharan migrants to Libya which was halted by the European Court of Human Rights, the MV Salamis incident of rescue at sea and the legal issues this stirred up, and the European Court of Human Rights’ decisions regarding Malta’s detention policy. Read more