Report hate speech in the EP election campaign and join our #NoHateEP2014 campaign
Have you spotted any incidences of hate speech by candidates for the upcoming EU elections in May? You can report them to us by filling out this form and help us ensure that politi
Strong action needed to ensure inclusion of all women in the labour market
Read our latest blogpost by ENAR Policy Assistant Anna Defour
Appeal for an election campaign free from discrimination and intolerance
The 2014 European Parliament election is taking place in a context marked by the crisis and by the rise of extremist parties in many Member States of the European Union. Exclusion
Online reporting form for EU 2014 election campaign
Fill out my online form.
Launch of our Appeal for a #NoHateEP2014
On 19 March, ENAR and ILGA-Europe, together with some of the main European political parties, launched an Appeal for an election campaign free from discrimination and intolerance.
Shadow Reports on racism in Europe
ENAR’s Shadow Reports are a compilation of information and data collected by our member organisations. They are produced yearly to fill the gaps in the official and academic data
Immigration : les chiffres qui démontent les clichés
La récente votation suisse qui s’est traduite par un “non” à l’immigration et la popularité de Maggie de Block, la secrétaire d’Etat belge à l’Immigration,
Latest members’ activities
4 May 2015 – Overcome all borders: UNITED’s conference on intolerance against migrants UNITED invites your organisation to nominate for the UNITED Conference near Malaga
Latest members’ activities
24 November 2015 – Rejoinder to the reply by Swedish Minister of Culture A coalition of anti-racism organisations have published a rejoinder to the reply by the Swedish Minis