Latest members’ activities
- 13 October 2016 – Press statement by Il Razzismo è una brutta storia with the organizations from L’Italia sono anch’io Campaign: Migrant children born and raised in Italy barred from Italian citizenship
On 13 October 2015, exactly one year ago, the Italian Chamber of Deputies approved a proposal to amend the Italian citizenship law n.91/1992, which would enable migrant children born and raised in Italy to become Italian citizens. One year later, the draft law has still not been adopted and discussions in the Constitutional Affairs Committee have not even started. A swift adoption of this draft law would allow almost one million minors, who are de facto Italian, to become Italian by law. The L’Italia sono anch’io campaign therefore supports and joins the flash mob initiative organized on 13
October by the Italiani senza cittadinanza groups of Naples, Padua, Palermo, Reggio Emilia and Rome, asking the Senate to schedules discussions on the law reform. A change in Citizenship Law can no longer wait. Press statement in Italian
- 16 March 2015 – The joker’s role in Boal’s method: a new training by Giolli Cooperativa Sociale The Giolli Cooperativa Sociale is organising a training on the joker’s role in Boal’s method – a maieutic attitude to empower individuals and groups. Participants will be asked to lead a Forum for a while and they will receive feed-backs. A theoretical and methodological framework will be set up. The training will be held from 16 to 21st March, 6 hours a day, but the deadline for the application is 16th of February (of January for a discount on the price).
- 24 November 2014 – International training: Boal’s and Freire’s approaches with disadvantaged and marginalized groups The training explores Boal’s and Freire’s theories and how to use these approaches to work with marginalized groups: prisoners, migrants, youth at risk, etc. Participants, following the process of building a Forum play, will learn how to use Boal’s method; finally they will be asked to create their own concept of training for a real group. Date and venue: 24-29 November 2014, Casaltone, Italy.
- 7-16 November 2014 – New Waves: the 34th African Film Festival organised by ENAR’s member Cestim Volontariato Cestim volontariato inaugurates the 34th African Film Festival in Verona. The event, that includes a number of different activities, from movie projection to concerts, meetings in schools, etc., will take place between the 7 and 16 November. South African General Consul will open the festival, presenting the projection of the film “Mandela: long walk to freedom”. Find here more information and the complete program of the event.
- 31 October 2014 – Giollicoop involved in early school leaving project Giollicoop is involved in the FOTEL project, which aims at combatting Early school leaving in Italy Spain France Poland and Hungary. It includes interviews, focus groups, training to Critical Incident for teachers, theatre workshops, Forum-Theatre performances. The project will end in October with a European Training for teachers and a Final Conference, in Budapest.
- 24 August 2014 – ComiX4= wins the Intercultural Innovation Award ComiX4=, a project by Africa e Mediterraneo, won the Intercultural Innovation Award by BMW Group and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, which selects highly innovative grassroots and sustainable projects of non-profit organisations that promote dialogue and intercultural understanding, while making vital contributions to prosperity and peace in global societies. The ceremony was held in Bali, Indonesia within the Sixth Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).
- 1 August 2014 – Workshops on the Theatre of the Oppressed by Giolli-Coop Giolli-Coop are organising three workshops on the Theatre of the Oppressed: Boal’s and Freire’s approaches with disadvantaged groups; 24-29 November 2014; Casaltone, Italy; The joker’s role in Boal’s method – a maieutic attitude to empower individuals and groups; 16-21 March 2015; Casaltone, Italy; The fundamental basis of Theatre of the Oppressed as a Conscientization/Liberation method – part 1; 2-7 August 2015, northern Italy.
- 2 May 2014 – Coop. soc. Giolli: International training on Theatre of the Oppressed and Freire methods
Cooperativa sociale Giolli is organising from 12 to 17th of August in Morbegno an international training on Theatre of the Oppressed methods. The path is intended as a work in progress that tries to define a coherent and effective T.O. model searching the relevant key points, with the aim to investigate what is oppression today. For more info, please contact
- 21 March 2014 – CIE Piemonte and ENAR launch the 2013 European Shadow Report
CIE (Centro d’Iniziativa per l’Europa del Piemonte) and ENAR are organising an event entitled “Il razzismo in Europa e in Italia” to launch the 2013 European Shadow Report, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The event will take place in Torino and will gather members of civil society, media officers and European and local politicians – including the Italian MP and former Minister for Integration Cécile Kyenge and the EP President Martin Schulz.
- 17-21 March 2014 – Razzismo Brutta Storia organizes several events throughout the country
In collaboration with the bookstore chain LaFeltrinelli, RazzismoBruttaStoria is organizing several meetings about discrimination and racism ahead of the International Day Against Racism. In particular, the documentary “Look Around. Per non restare indifferenti” will be broadcast in schools. Photo exhibitions, book presentations and writers meetings are also planned.
- February 2014 – Giolli Cooperativa Sociale is organising courses within the Erasmus Plus project in Italy
European Union set up a new program of education called Erasmus plus, which will finance staff members from adult education organisations as well as school staff. Giolli provides courses in Italy about different issues like: participation, violence, racism, bullying, discrimination, conflict, Theatre of the Oppressed techniques, working with prisoners etc..
- January 2014 – Screening of the film “La Valle dei Sospiri” by IDEA ROM Onlus
IDEA ROM Onlus is organizing the screening of this film ‘The Valley of Sighs’ on 26 January in Turin, Italy. There will also be a debate on “Roma: from the forgotten Holocaust to the current denial of rights”. The movie describes the atrocities committed during World War II, when 25000 Romanian Roma were deported to Transnistria by the fascist regime of Antonescu. Read more
- March 2014 – Course on “Aesthetics of the Oppressed as emancipatory process” by Giolli-Coop in Italy
Theatre of the Oppressed is a method for popular education and emancipation. The goal is to explore ways to develop the aesthetic approach in theatre workshop and play so that participants can have an idea about the approach and be able to develop it in their own practice with groups. This objective will be carried out through several activities which allow participants both to learn and to bring their experiences in this event; the principle of teaching is based on “learning by doing approach” and on “mutual teaching”. Date and venue: 10-15 March 2014 in Casaltone (Sorbolo), Italy.