Key recommendations for the EU Action Plan Against Racism
ENAR has published a briefing outlining our key demands and recommendations for the upcoming EU Action Plan Against Racism.
We welcome the European Commission’s intention to launch an action plan for racial equality and believe it could contribute to achieve equality and justice outcomes for racialised groups in Europe . However, this will only be feasible and effective if the following approaches are included in the action plan:
The European Commission action plan against racism should:
1. Be based on a comprehensive understanding of structural racism and discrimination (including by addressing racist, discriminatory and disproportionate policing and law enforcement, as well as police violence)
2. Improve existing EU initiatives’ potential to tackle structural dimensions of racism
3. Mainstream racial equality in all EU policies
4. Be the vehicle to encourage Member States to address structural racism at national level in a comprehensive manner
5. Be a meaningful EU tool against racism with adequate resources