ENAR Resources: Action Plans Against Racism
Open letter to European Commission: Securing meaningful participation for the EU anti-racism action plan (October 2020)
Intersectional discrimination in Europe: relevance, challenges and ways forward and Report Summary (September 2020)
EC action plan for racial equality and justice: Policy briefing (July 2020)
Open letter: A chance for the EU to make history – invest in equality and justice for racialised people (July 2020)
A roadmap for EU institutions to address structural racism – Towards equality and justice (June 2020)
Briefing on policing racialised groups in Europe (June 2020)
Policy paper: #CovidImpact – Lifting structural barriers: A priority in the fight against racism (May 2020)
National Action Plans Against Racism: Lessons for effective national anti-racism policies (2019)