Consultation ENAR Members for 2017 European Migration Forum
Members, the third meeting of the European Migration Forum (EMF) will take place in Brussels on March 2nd-3rd and we would like to consult you regarding the topics that will be dealt with during the meeting, namely migrants’ access to Europe, to rights and to services.
Dear Members,
This is Claudia Marà, Board Member of ENAR since last June and in charge of liaising the Board with the Secretariat on migration issues. As you may know, the third meeting of the European Migration Forum (EMF) will take place in Brussels on March 2nd-3rd and we would like to consult you regarding the topics that will be dealt with during the meeting, namely migrants’ access to Europe, to rights and to services.
This event is organized by European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee to discuss matters on migration and integration. In bringing together civil society organisations, national Integration Officers and the European Institutions, it acts as a consultative platform for the institutional discussions on EU migration and asylum policies and packages.
ENAR aims to bring an anti-racist perspective to this debate and your feedback is therefore crucial to this process.
We would like to present your experiences in the debate and formulate suggestions based on your opinions.
The main topics of this year’s Forum are:
• Safe legal alternatives to the perilous journeys migrants undertake to reach Europe
• Migrants’ access to services upon their arrival in host countries
• Migrants’ access to rights they are entitled to
• Changing the current narrative on migration
We have set up a questionnaire in order to capture your opinions and experiences. It is a short survey of 6 questions and it will take less than 10 minutes of your time. Thank you very much, your opinion is really appreciated!
I hope to see you all at the next GA and I wish you all a great day.
Warm regards,
Claudia Marà