The EU’s Counter-Terrorism measures continue to perpetuate institutional discrimination with serious impacts on racialised groups, ENAR report finds
Press Release Brussels, 26/03/2021 – The EU’s Counter-Terrorism measures continue to perpetuate institutional discrimination with serious impacts on racialised groups, ENAR
STATEMENT: The EU’s Counter-Terrorism measures continue to perpetuate institutional discrimination with serious impacts on racialised groups, ENAR report finds
Brussels, 29/03/2021 – ENAR has undertaken a research project to assess and document the Impact of the counter-terrorism and counter-radicalization measures on groups at risk
Counter-terrorism report launch: Suspicion, discrimination and surveillance: the impact of counter-terrorism law and policy on racialised groups at risk racism in Europe
ENAR and the European Parliament’s Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup are organising an online exchange and dialogue with policy makers on 29 March 2021 based on ENAR latest re
ENAR Chair Karen Taylor speaks at the EU Anti-Racism Summit
ENAR Chair, Karen Taylor, delivers a speech at the inaugural EU Anti-Racism Summit during the panel: The European Anti-Racism Action Plan– From words to action. The aim of the pa
STATEMENT: the European Commission has jeopardized the integrity of the EU Anti-Racism summit
Brussels, 18/03/2021 – ENAR along with over 40 civil society organisations issue statement declaring that the inaugural European Union Anti-Racism Summit is not a safe space
Suspicion, Discrimination, and Surveillance: the impact of counter terrorism law and policy on racialised groups at risk of racism in Europe
Download Report Report Summary National Executive Summaries France Germany Spain Hungary Poland
ENAR Resources: Employment
Equal@Work Toolkit: Artificial intelligence in HR: how to address racial biases and algorithmic discrimination in HR? (2021) A roadmap to racial diversity in EU institutions by
37 organisations denounce the ongoing harassment against KISA
Brussels, 1 March 2021 – 37 organisations denounce the ongoing harassment against KISA and call on the Cypriot authorities to reinstate their official registration as a non-g