European Parliament : Firm stand against neo-fascist violence in Europe
ENAR welcomes the strong condemnation of the recent rise of neo-fascist violence in Europe by the European Parliament today.
European Parliament: Firm stand against neo-fascist violence in Europe
Brussels, 25 October 2018 – The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) welcomes the strong condemnation of the recent rise of neo-fascist violence in Europe by the European P
Documenting the discriminatory impact of counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation in the European Union
ENAR’s new toolkit provides tools and methodologies for civil society organisations and activists to document the discriminatory impact of counter-terrorism and counter-radic
Members of National Parliaments and of the European Parliament join forces to fight antigypsyism in Europe
For the first time, Members of National Parliaments were invited by the European Parliament to discuss the fundamental rights of Roma and fighting antigypsyism. The Alliance agains
Members of National Parliaments and of the European Parliament join forces to fight antigypsyism in Europe
Brussels, 19 October 2018 – For the first time, Members of National Parliaments were invited by the European Parliament to discuss the fundamental rights of Roma and fighting ant
ENAR European Shadow Report Research 2018
ENAR is collecting data within several EU Member States as part of its annual Shadow Reporting process. The focus of the research will be racist crime – reporting, recording, inv
EU high-level meeting against racism : end the silence on racist political discourses and practices
ENAR is calling for an end to the current silence over political discourse emboldening racist policies and practices, as the European Union High-Level Group on combating racism, xe
EU high-level meeting against racism: end the silence on racist political discourses and practices
Brussels, 16 October 2018 – The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is calling for an end to the current silence over political discourse emboldening racist policies and pract
Review of EU High Level Group Against Racism: an opportunity to deepen the approach to equality in the EU
Today and tomorrow, representatives of the European Commission, of national Ministries of Justice and Interior, and of civil society organisations are meeting in Vienna for the 6th