Report hate speech in the Greek election campaign
Greek elections are scheduled on 20 September. This reporting form can be used to report hate speech by MP candidates, party officials and spokespersons during the Greek election campaign, including intolerant remarks, racist or derogative expressions, as well as incitement to violence, hostility or discrimination and the use of stereotypes.
ENAR believes that public figures, including politicians, have a special responsibility and should be held accountable whenever they contribute to spreading hatred. To develop awareness of this accountability, there is a need for consistent monitoring of political speech, in order to identify, recognise and measure the effects of political hate speech, in particular (but not only) when it reaches the threshold of incitement to violence, hostility or discrimination.
During the EU election campaign in 2014, ENAR and ILGA-Europe had engaged in a campaign monitoring action. As an outcome, a report was produced, documenting more than 40 cases of intolerant campaign speeches across Europe. This report includes a short description of all cases, of which five involve elected MEPs.
To build on this experience, ENAR continues to monitor political speech in Europe, focusing in particular on relevant national context, such as general election campaigns. This reporting form can be used to report hate speech given by MP candidates, party officials and spokespersons, including intolerant remarks, racist, or derogative expressions, as well as incitement to violence, hostility or discrimination and the use of stereotypes.
ENAR and its member organisations will use the data collected to:
– Systematically collect evidence of intolerant political actors’ positions and of the derogatory forms of speech they use.
– Provide evidence of the nature of hate speech, including in some cases by important political stakeholders.
– Engage in a dialogue with institutions, political parties and foundations, both at national and EU levels, in order to develop prevention and reaction tools together and reinforce Europe’s democratic and inclusive political culture.