Policy brief on social media extremism as part of radicalisation and equality research
The Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality (DARE) project, of which ENAR is a partner, has published a new policy brief on drivers of self-radicalisation and digital sociability.
Understanding the nature of social media participation on Twitter in relation to (self-)radicalisation helps decision makers design counter-strategies and actions.
DARE researchers investigated ‘right-wing extremist’ and ‘Islamist extremist’ discourse on Twitter between 2010 and 2019 in seven European countries. The research documented that, despite wide variation across individual accounts and limited evidence of overt calls to extremist action, online extremism exists.
As a result of the lack of call to action, many online contributions fall under the radar of law enforcement or social media’s own standards to remove hateful content from their platforms. For these types of accounts, the challenge is to balance freedom of speech and the removal of extremist content.