Discrimination is a major obstacle for ethnic and religious minorities and migrants in Europe. Employment is the main path to social inclusion and ethnic and religious minorities must therefore have the possibility to fully participate in the labour market.
Everybody wants a decent, well-paid and quality job, and employment remains the main gate to social inclusion. If you’re Black, Roma, Muslim, or a migrant from a non-EU country living in Europe, discrimination is a major obstacle when looking for a job and when you’re in a job. Employment discrimination is widespread and hinders the enjoyment of other political and social rights.
Migrants and minorities face discrimination when they’re applying for jobs. But even once they are in a job, migrants and minorities continue to face unequal treatment. Lower wages, a lack of career prospects, precarious and difficult working conditions, sticky floor and glass ceiling, harassment, and abusive dismissal, are just some of the manifestations.
In addition, the financial and economic crisis has worsened existing discrimination against minorities and migrants and has increased the employment gap between ethnic minorities and the majority population.
What are we doing about it?
ENAR launched the pioneering Equal@work Platform in 2009. It brings together businesses, social partners, NGOs, public authorities and academics committed to diversity and inclusion, to find solutions so that ethnic and religious minorities can fully participate in the labour market. These actors share best practices, explore innovative dimensions and engage in a constructive dialogue to increase the recruitment, retention and career progression of ethnic minorities and migrants and to develop creative and cutting-edge approaches.
We monitor EU policies and laws in the field of employment and advocate for the removal of labour market barriers affecting ethnic and religious minorities including migrants, including lack of recognition of soft/hard skills and qualifications of migrants.
We call on EU institutions and Member States to ensure that labour market regulations respect the “equal status and equal pay for equal work” principle and that all workers enjoy equal treatment.
We provide evidence of discrimination in the labour market and develop guidelines for employers to ensure equality and diversity in the workplace.
We advocate for the collection and analysis of reliable and comparable disaggregated equality data by EU Member States to fight discrimination in employment.