EU People of African Descent Week
From 14 to 17 May 2018, the European Union will host its first ever People of African Descent Week at the European Parliament.
The week will consist of a series of events at the European Parliament featuring experts, activists, and policymakers to increase awareness of the estimated 15 million people of African descent who make up the European Union’s Black European population. The four-day event will also focus on solutions to address increasing reports of racial discrimination and violence throughout Europe.
Week events will begin on Monday 14 May with a hearing featuring leadership from European Union institutions and African descent policymakers and civil society from across Europe.
15 and 16 May will feature roundtable policy discussions on how European justice, education, and migration systems impact African descent populations in Europe.
The week will culminate with a Forum to discuss policies, programmes, and other strategies EU institutions, Member States, civil society, and the private sector can engage in to ensure the full participation and equal treatment of and opportunity for African descent populations in Europe.
The People of African Descent Week is a joint initiative of the European Parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI), Transatlantic Minority Political Leadership Conference (TMPLC), Each One Teach One (EOTO), and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR).
– Full agenda
– Read ENAR’s Board member Karen Kaneza’s speech at the opening hearing entitled “People of African descent in Europe – rights and recognition”
– People of African descent in Europe: EU policy developments and recommendations
– More information on the situation of people of African descent in Europe