EPAM’s new website launched for the International Migrants’ Day
The European NGO Platform on Asylum and Migration (EPAM) has launched its new website today, on the occasion of the International Migrants’ Day. Check it out!
EPAM is the meeting-place of European non-governmental organisations and networks seeking to contribute to the development of asylum and migration policy in the European Union. This means that, through its members, EPAM has an extensive expertise on asylum and migration. ENAR, with some of our members, is part of the EPAM network.
One example of a successful advocacy project coordinated by the EPAM network is the great response the European Commission obtained by civil society organisations to its November 2011 Green paper proposal on reopening the EU family reunion directive. NGOs also presented a strong unified message at the EC’s public hearing, including a common statement signed by 75 EU and national NGOs. As a result, the resulting EC’s interpretative guidelines have drawn heavily from this statement.
Check out the new website, and explore the network’s past actions and its current activities.