ENAR Shadow Report on anti-migrant racism: Call for researchers/experts
ENAR is seeking researchers/experts to collect and analyse data at a national level within the 28 EU Member States plus Iceland in order to respond to an ENAR questionnaire. The focus of the research will be anti-migrant racism and the data provided through the questionnaire responses will feed into the 2015/2016 European Shadow Report.
ENAR’s annual Shadow Reports have proved to be a major tool for advocacy and coordinated action for anti-racism, towards national governments, European institutions, bodies and the media.
Since the first European Shadow Report in 2004 and following subsequent changes, the findings from the Shadow Reports have fed into ENAR’s advocacy and communication at national and European levels. The reports are unique, in that they bring together the latest information and developments to help build a counter-perspective on racism. The reports reflect the views of NGOs and victims of discrimination at local, national and EU levels. With statistical and comparative data, the Shadow Reports have a demonstrable impact on influencing policy development and bringing about necessary reforms.
This call covers the reporting period from 31st March 2015 to 31st March 2016. We are asking researchers/experts to collect and analyse reliable data and concrete cases (with dates and links to primary sources) of incidences of discrimination in relation to migration and integration. The questionnaire, still in development, will focus on areas such as integration in the labour market, citizenship/access to nationality and violence against migrants and asylum seekers; as well as good/best practice from NGOs, governments and other stakeholders.
The researchers responding to this call are expected to:
1. Carry out research in one of the 28 EU Member States plus Iceland in order to respond to the ENAR questionnaire.
2. Conduct interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders and representatives from civil society.
3. Ensure and support the evidence and quality of the findings by generating a bibliography that consists of at least 20-30 sources and include interview transcripts or notes.
4. Respond to the questionnaire on time and consult and liaise with the Senior Research Officer and ENAR Secretariat throughout the whole process.
The deadline for submitting the 1st draft of the national questionnaire response will be August 2016 (exact date to be confirmed upon signing the contract). Each researcher/expert is required to respond to the Secretariat’s queries and comments on the 1st draft within 20 days of receiving them.
As compensation for the duties set forth above, the researchers shall receive a maximum amount of 2,000 EUR. This payment includes all administrative costs and taxes, when requested also VAT.
How to apply to this call?
Applications should be marked “National Questionnaire Responses 2015/2016 – your name” and should include:
– CV and letter of application, including a statement of expertise on race equality, migration, integration, and human rights; and research, language and writing skills.
– One relevant writing sample.
– One reference.
If you are interested in this call, please send your application by email to: Ojeaku Nwabuzo, ENAR’s Senior Research Officer: ojeaku@enar-eu.org by 3 June 2016.