ENAR’s achievements in January
Check out ENAR’s and ENAR members’ main achievements and impact during the month of January 2016.
– ENAR led a NGO coalition meeting with David Friggieri, the newly appointed European Commission coordinator on anti-Muslim hatred and drafted a joint advocacy brief. The meeting led to commitments to holding several similar consultation meetings and to explore work on the impact of counter-terrorism policies on Muslims and gendered aspects of Islamophobia.
– ENAR Chair Saral Isal spoke at the launch event of the European parliament Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) on 26th January in front on more than 200 participants. Sarah moderated the political panel with Vice-President of the European commission Frans Timmermans and MEPs Post and Metsola. Several MEPs commended ENAR for its work against racism.
– The European Parliament’s AFCO Committee Working Group on revision of the Rules of Procedures is now discussing amendments to better tackle hate speech inside the Parliament. Since 2015, ENAR and OSF have proposed amendments to members of the Group.
Members’ achievements
– ENAR Ireland’s Love not Hate campaign on hate crime is strong of 1.5K signatures of its petition and 7.1K video views.
– The UK Muslim Women’s Network was quoted in the Guardian on Prime Minister Cameron’s plans regarding Muslim women.
– The Greek Refugee Forum initiated a joint NGO Declaration “We need to talk about Cologne” which was signed by over 100 organisations.