ENAR Resources: Security & Policing
Briefing on policing racialised groups in Europe (2020)
DARE project policy briefs on radicalisation and equality research (2019)
Radicalisation in a new light: from security to social inclusion and equality (2019)
Data-driven policing: the hardwiring of discriminatory policing practices across Europe (2019)
Effectiveness of counter-radicalisation policies: DARE project preliminary research findings and recommendations (2018)
Promoting fair and efficient policing for Roma and Travellers in the EU – One step forward to end Antigypsyism (2018)
Toolkit: Documenting the discriminatory impact of counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation in the European Union (2018)
Ethnic profiling in the EU: infographic (2016)
ENARgy webzine: Security, policing and ethnic minorities (2016)
JOINT CIVIL SOCIETY STATEMENT: Counter-terrorism: The EU and its Member States must respect and protect human rights and the rule of law (2016)
Policy statement: EU Counter-terrorism policies from an equality perspective: everyone should feel safe in Europe(2015)
ENARgy webzine: Counter-terrorism from an equality perspective (2015)
Ethnic profiling fact sheet (2009)