ENAR logo competition

The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is launching a public competition to create a new logo for its 20th anniversary. Deadline for submissions: 20 May 2018.

Who may enter?

Anyone aged 18 years or older who knows about logo design and creation is invited to submit their most innovative designs to the ENAR logo competition.

How to enter?

Read the competition specifications and rules below and send your completed entry form and logo design versions to georgina@enar-eu.org.

Deadline for submissions

The entries must be submitted by 20 May 2018, midnight GMT.


The winner of the logo competition will receive a prize of a value of €300.


1. The logo you create should embody equality/diversity and the idea of a network.
2. The following values should be reflected in the logo: equality; diversity; inclusion; progressive; people-oriented; reliable.
3. The logo should also be in line with ENAR’s vision and mission.
4. The logo should preferably comprise the ‘ENAR’ acronym or full name.
5. The winning logo will appear in digital and analogue media, including websites, magazines, publications, letterheads, video, as well as in colour and in black and white. Adaptability to different types of media and supports must therefore be considered during your creative process.
6. Your logo must be created in CMYK vector image format (EPS or Adobe Illustrator) but only sent in PNG or JPEG format (at least 72 dpi). Also, your logo must be printable in small scale.
7. You should submit three versions of your logo design: a colour version with the logo only, a black & white version of the logo, and a colour version of the logo incorporating a sub-text with the full name of ENAR: ‘European Network Against Racism’ (if the full name is not part of the logo).
8. You should explain the idea/concept behind your work in the entry form, using a maximum of 300 words in English.
9. There are no restrictions concerning the graphical techniques used to develop your logo. Follow your imagination and choose your own aesthetic approach!

Criteria for entries

A jury will review entries and make a selection using the following criteria:
– Creativity, originality and clarity of the logo design
– Possibility of evolution of the design
– In line with the logo specifications outlined above

Competition rules

1. You must be aged 18 or older.
2. You must submit your logo before the deadline of midnight on 20 May 2018, midnight GMT. No entries will be accepted after the closing date.
3. Each entrant may submit up to three different logos, each of them declined according to the above specifications.
4. You must certify on the entry form that your logo is the result of your personal creativity, is solely your own work and that copyrights of others have not been infringed. You must certify that you have not used any work of third parties, for example photos or design-elements that have not been made or designed by yourself.
5. Once submitted, you cannot withdraw your logo entry.
6. By submitting your logo, you agree not to use the logo in any other way during the period of the competition. Besides this right of usage, all other copyrights will remain with you, unless you win (see next section: Transfer of Rights Agreement in case you win).
7. If you win, you should send the original, editable file(s) of your logo to ENAR. In addition, if you use a font, ENAR should either receive the font files, or the fonts should be in the vector in outlines.
8. The jury reserves the right to reject any entry that does not comply with the requirements of the competition.
9. The jury also reserves the right to choose not to award a prize if no logo entry is satisfactory and/or does not comply with the requirements of the competition.
10. If you win the logo competition, you agree to the full assignment of all copyrights according to the Transfer of Rights Agreement found hereunder.
11. By submitting your logo, you confirm that you have read and understood the specifications and competition rules and Transfer of Rights Agreement.

Transfer of Rights Agreement in case you win

If your logo wins the ENAR Logo Competition, you will have to assign all rights to the European Network Against Racism aisbl (hereinafter “ENAR”):
– All exclusive and transferable rights to use, publish, advertise, copy, modify, alter and reproduce the logo in any possible way shall be assigned free of charge to ENAR. The exclusive right means that no other person will be allowed to use the logo, including you.
– The assigned rights are not restricted by time, region or to a specific type of usage. It also includes the right to transfer the rights to third persons and to grant sublicenses as well as the right to use the logo in any media, including TV, internet, radio, the press, all printed advertising media, CD/DVD or all other data-carriers, for merchandising and to be printed on all kinds of objects, packages and documents.
– As far as it is allowed by the law, the entrant also assigns any undiscovered rights to ENAR. This may become relevant in the future, if a new way of usage will be discovered, as the internet was in the 1990’s.
– ENAR shall also have the right to modify and change the logo, to undertake a professional redesign, to create different versions of the logo with regards to colour, size, format, resolution and all other attributes without any limitation.
– ENAR shall have the right to use the logo as described above, but there shall also be no obligation to use the logo.

Transferring all legal rights related to the logo to ENAR will be regulated by a contract between the winner and ENAR.


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