ENAR and ENAR members’ achievements in April
Check out ENAR’s main achievements and impact during the month of April.
– The European commission took into consideration ENAR’s recommendations on the questions for the consultation on the fundamental rights Colloquium on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. In particular, a question was added on gaps to be filled in to combat discrimination on the grounds of religion or ethnic origin.
– ENAR’s suggestions on the European Parliament’s draft report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU were included in tabled amendments, notably related to forms of racism and to equality data collection.
Members’ achievements
– Luxembourg based CLAE (Comité de liaison des associations étrangères) set up a meeting between ENAR Secretariat and the Minister of Justice on 27th April, during which recommendations were delivered on behalf of the network ahead of the Luxembourgish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
– Petr Torák, a Czech Roma who moved to the UK in 1999 and set up ENAR member organisation the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Police Association, is to be honoured with an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for his outstanding work.
– In Cyprus, thanks to the mobilisation of KISA against a hotel hosting an event by the far-right parties ELAM and Golden Dawn, the hotel management cancelled the booking for the event, which was scheduled for 1 April.