Board elections
This year, member organisations will be invited to vote for two candidates to become Board members.
Candidates for the Board election:
Maria Dexborg, Sweden, Pan-African Movement for Justice
Marlene Ellis, United Kingdom, IDPAD UK Coalition
Laura Marks, United Kingdom, Nisa Nashim
Nadeem Murtuja, United Kingdom, JUST Yorkshire
Vilana Pilinkaite Sotirovic, Lithuania, Center for Equality Advancement
Please note that member organisations who can’t attend the General Assembly are invited to vote on the Board elections and on other statutory decisions by proxy. Members participating in the GA can each have one additional mandate on behalf of your organisation. If you want to appoint someone you trust to vote on your behalf, please contact this person to obtain his/her agreement. Please fill in the proxy form and send it to juliana@enar-eu.org by 18 June at the latest.
Background information
Every member organisation is entitled propose a candidate to run for elections. It is important to ensure that all Board members are nominated with due regard for representation in terms of gender, race/ethnicity, regional representation, minority groups, etc. In particular, candidates identifying as party of the following communities are encouraged to apply: People of African descent, Roma, migrants, Muslims, Jews and other minority group.
Please note that according to ENAR’s Operating Manual there can only be one Board member per country, therefore candidates from Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Finland, Portugal, Romania and Hungary are not eligible for this year’s election (2018).
For more information, contact Juliana S. Wahlgren: juliana@enar-eu.org