Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup established in the European Parliament
The Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament has confirmed on 11 December that the Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) has been re-established in the European Parliament for the 2014-2019 term.
ENAR welcomes this decision. A strong intergroup on anti-racism in the European Parliament will ensure that the European Parliament’s commitment to tackle racial discrimination and racist violence is high on the agenda. It will help to advance a comprehensive anti-racist agenda and to jointly react to manifestations of racism and hate.
Other steps must now follow. Beyond an efficient structure and well-defined priorities, it is also important that ARDI counts with the participation of the highest possible number of MEPs, to ensure that its initiatives will make a difference in policy making. We therefore encourage as many MEPs as possible to become members of the Intergroup.