26 May 2016: Symposium: Muslim women, forgotten women? Understanding the gender dimension of Islamophobia
On 26 May 2016 in Brussels, the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) will present the results of a two-year project on the multiple discrimination affecting Muslim women in eight EU countries. The event will be the first ever EU symposium to specifically address intersectional aspects of racism against Muslim women.
26 May 2016
Royal Belgian Library, Brussels
Through a unique and innovative joint effort between the anti-racism and women’s rights movements, our project “Forgotten Women: the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women” highlights what it is like to be a Muslim woman in Europe.
The symposium aims to launch ENAR’s report on the impact of islamophobia on Muslim women, provide in-depth analysis to improve the implementation of EU equality and non-discrimination legislation and develop alliances between Muslim and women’s rights movements.
– Agenda
Please register by 12 May.
Limited seats. Admission free. Compulsory registration.
Contact persons: kahina@enar-eu.org or julie@enar-eu.org
A unique opportunity to:
– Meet and listen to key experts and high-level officials working on challenging sexism and racism
– Contribute actively to the discussions on how to advance rights for Muslim women in Europe
– Reflect on your own practices and get inspired by other great women
– Design concrete solutions for greater inclusion of Muslim women in the workplace and for combating Islamophobic and sexist crime and speech
– Network and build partnerships with a diversity of stakeholders to develop a stronger front against racism and sexism in the European Union
– Gain expertise on Islamophobia and gender equality