25 April 2018: Report launch event: Restrictions on Muslim women’s dress in the 28 EU Member States
This event will take place in the European Parliament and is co-organised by the Open Society Foundations, ENAR and the Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup, and hosted by MEP Malin Björk.
25 April 2018, 15.00-17.30
European Parliament, Brussels, Room P1C051
One year after the EU Court of Justice ruled that the ban on headscarves at work can be legal, the struggle in EU countries to have high standards against discrimination and counter restrictions on Muslim women’s dress and Islamophobia continues.
The Open Society Foundations will launch a new report entitled “Restrictions on Muslim women’s dress in the 28 EU member states”, which fills a much-needed gap by paying equal attention to all 28 European Union countries laws, legal developments, administrative regulations, and institutional practices in employment, education, services and public space. It also discusses the political context and platforms that give rise to restrictions and the push back against them.
Policymakers, legal experts and academics, civil society organisations and grassroots advocates will discuss best practices and strategies to end religious dress restrictions in Europe, as well as the concept of neutrality that is at the heart of many debates about religious dress restrictions.
• Malin Björk, Member of the European Parliament, Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left
• Laura Bingham, Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative
• Eva Brems, Chair of Human Rights Law, University of Ghent
• Maryam H’madoun, Policy officer, Open Society Justice Initiative
• Sajjad Karim, Member of the European Parliament, European Conservatives and Reformists Group
• Wajid Khan, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D)
• Leysan Keller, Initiative with a headscarf, Germany
• Soraya Post, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D)
Send an email with your full name, date of birth, nationality, ID type and number to ellen.mulder@opensocietyfoundations.org by 19 April. Note that places are limited.