24-25 October 2013: Symposium on equality data collection
Symposium on equality data collection
24-25 October 2013, Brussels
Data are often used by companies and governments to control and monitor individuals. While European States are discussing how to better protect citizens’ privacy, it is important to keep in mind that data, as long as collected in a way compatible with data protection standards, can be used to ensure citizens’ human rights. Indeed, discrimination often goes unnoticed and unreported. Without reliable disaggregated equality data, it is hard to measure inequalities and design policies accordingly, or even to prove to lawmakers and employers that differential treatment exists and needs to be addressed.
In order to address these questions, ENAR and the Open Society Foundations have organised a Symposium on Equality Data Collection that will take place on 24th and 25th October in Brussels. The aim is to ensure that comparable sets of equality data are collected by Member States in respect to EU data protection safeguards, and in order to support equality, social inclusion, and non-discrimination policies.
This invitation-only event brings together top officials and experts, public and private companies, demographers, academics, equality bodies, EU institutions, international organisations, and non-governmental organisations.
Read the programme
Read Making “Big Data” Work for Equality by Costanza Hermanin and Angelina Atanasova
Read Data Collection: What We Need for Equality and Social Inclusion in Europe by Claire Fernandez
- For more information, contact: Claire Fernandez, ENAR policy officer (Claire@enar-eu.org)
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