2 May 2017: Launch of ENAR’s Shadow Report on racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe
On 2 May, the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is launching its Shadow Report on racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe at the European Parliament.
Tuesday 2 May 2017, 15:30-17:00
European Parliament, Brussels
This event will gather MEPs, representatives of the European Institutions and of civil society organisations and is hosted by MEP Cécile Kyenge (S&D) and MEP Jean Lambert (Greens/EFA), with the support of the Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI).
The launch will include a presentation of the key findings of the 2015/2016 Shadow Report, which highlights how anti-migrant political discourses and exclusionary migration policies are having a disproportionate impact on racialised migrants. The launch will also include a presentation of some grassroots best practices.
The event will be followed by a discussion between various MEPs, ENAR and civil society representatives from EU and national levels on discrimination affecting migrants and the role that the European institutions could play to improve their situation.
This is an invitation-only event. Please contact Juliana@enar-eu.org if you are interested in attending.