Corona Diaries: Voices from the ENAR network
The Covid-19 crisis is exacerbating structural racism and inequalities in society, with vulnerable and disadvantaged groups bearing the brunt of its impact. Many ENAR members are d
[INTERVIEW] What does it mean to be an anti-racist human rights defender
Anti-racist organisations and activists increasingly face the challenge of navigating the risks involved in doing anti-racist work. How can we create a better understanding and add
De l’esclavage aux réparations
A l’occasion du 23 août, Journée internationale du souvenir de la traite négrière et de son abolition, Ghyslain Vedeux, président du CRAN (Conseil Représentatif des Ass
Joining forces for a National Action Plan Against Racism in Belgium
Back in 2001, at the UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban, Belgium had committed to develop a national action plan against racism. However, almost two decades later, Belgiu