National Action Plans Against Racism: Lessons for effective national anti-racism policies
ENAR launches its research into National Action Plans Against Racism, which offers lessons for effective policies against racism on the national level.
This report highlights the need for governments to adopt a holistic, structural and intersectional approach to eradicate racial inequality.
ENAR has been long engaged in calling EU Member States to develop strong comprehensive strategies against racism, be it against racist crimes, racial discrimination and for equality data in different areas of life.
Acknowledging the important legislative framework that is currently in place in EU countries, such strategies are crucial to question their lack of implementation and push for more public policies that could come as a complement and tackle more structural forms of racism.
There is a sense of emergency requiring strong actions and commitments from States to act at structural level and not only through fragmented and isolated policies or projects, responding to the urgencies of day-to-day reports of racist violence or discrimination. National Action Plans Against Racism can be a unique tool to develop a comprehensive framework which puts victims at the centre of the social justice and equality agenda, with an intersectional anti-racist perspective, and ensures coherence across different areas. Adopting a National Action Plan against Racism would also send a powerful signal in public debates and contribute to shift mentalities and attitudes in society, by using both soft and hard measures.
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