Book: Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe
A new book ‘Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe’, published by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, sheds light on the complex and different dimensions of this specific form of structural racism in Europe.
What is antigypsyism and what are the different dimensions of this specific form of racism in Europe? How does it affect Roma and European society at large in various areas of life?
The book ‘Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe’, published by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, brings together a combination of academic and activist writing, based on practical experiences, to shed light on the multi-dimensional and complex phenomenon of antigypsyism. It uncovers how racialised discourses shape knowledge, policies, and racist practices and behaviours; analyses the role of European policies; and presents different case studies of structural discrimination against Roma in Europe.
Many Romani and other anti-racism organisations have been fighting against antigypsyism for decades. Their struggles to realise Roma rights provide us critical knowledge, both on how antigypsyism affects access to fundamental rights; and how to counter exclusionary and discriminatory political discourses and projects. The various strategies to address antigypsyism explored in this book provide a path towards emancipation for Romani people in Europe.
If you would like to order a hard copy of the book, contact info@enar-eu.org.